Sunday, February 1, 2009

What are my rights if I am in USA with a tourist visa

What are my rights if I am in USA with a tourist visa?
If I stay in USA for 6 months with tourist visa, can my children attend school in USA? Can I get a Driver License or Library Card? What are the right I have?
Immigration - 9 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
You can get a library card. Not sure about the rest. The problem is getting the license or putting your child in school will imply that you plan to stay past the expiration of the visa and they might revoke it.
2 :
technically the kids could get to school ... but it could be difficult No driving licence or SSN is available to you
3 :
No, your children cannot attend school. No, you cannot get a drivers license. It's up to the library as to whether or not they'll let you borrow a book. You have the same rights every non-resident alien has.
4 :
No, your children may not attend school on tourist visas. As for the driver's license, you would have to check with the DMV of whatever state you're in. California, for instance, will issue you a driver's license as long as your I-94 is valid for at least a few months or so. Libraries usually require an ID and proof that you reside in the state. You're a visitor, that's all. I believe the more appropriate term would be privileges, not rights.
5 :
No, your children cannot attend school without student visa. No, you cannot get driver's license on Tourist visa. Without state driver's license or state ID, you cannot get library card. You have right to follow the law and protected by law of US. That's pretty much it.
6 :
1) No. Attending school is not something a tourist does 2) No drivers license. You are a tourist and don't intend to stay 3) You might be able to get a library card
7 :
You may find that you are limited to less than six months , and you may be refused outright if you are pregnant. As a tourist with a recognised visa, you have the privilege to visit the USA and a right to personal security.
8 :
You are here on a tourist visa so you can do what tourists do. tourists dont go to school, and you cant get a drivers licence.
9 :
There are no "rights".You have the ability to visit IF allowed by the Point of entry and if satisfied by evidence that you will return to your country of origin.You have no other rights other than those.You require a Green card in order to live in the US with the associated rights that you seek nothing else will be accepted by the US government whether at the local state or Federal level.