Friday, January 16, 2009

What is the best undergrad degree to pursue if i want to transfer to the USA for Grad school

What is the best undergrad degree to pursue if i want to transfer to the USA for Grad school?
A mixed five year program at Laurier University where will I will get two degrees in five years one in Honours Business Administration and one in Honours Financial Mathematics with guaranteed co-op 2-5 year OR An undergrad at Carleton University in a four year program studying international business where I will learn a language of my choice and have a year of abroad study in the country where my chosen language is spoken
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Actually engineering or economics would be best. There are essentially no GA positions available for business grad students. A US private school will be happy to take your money though and you can still get financial aid from Canada if the school is properly accredited. As for the two schools, US universities would not know them from each other and the school name is unimportant to them. It may as well be Moose Jaw Tech as far as US schools care between non US schools.