Wednesday, April 8, 2009

whats the best vet school in usa

whats the best vet school in usa?
im 14 and im trying to think about going to vet school and i was wondering which one is the best vet school besides uc davis .....
Higher Education (University +) - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
uc davis maybe ohio state
2 :
In eight years you may be admitted to one of the approximately 28 vet schools in the US if you have a top college record, veterinary clinic or animal care experience, top test scores, etc. At all of them you will receive a fine education. Most pre-vet students apply to over twelve vet schools and are lucky to be accepted by one of them. It is not usually a question of choosing a "better" one and where you attend will seldom affect your practice unless you want to do research rather than primary care. Tufts University has one of the best research programs.
3 :
Cornell has a great vet school, and it's one of the ivys that's a little bit easier to get into. If you start now, you might be able to get in! Good luck!
4 :
That's really not something you should be asking. There are only 28 vet schools in the entire country. They are all excellent, have very high standards and are extremely competitive. You don't necessarily choose your vet school, rather they choose you. Most schools have some sort of residency requirements. They accept X number of in-state residents and X number of out of state. In most cases, in-state students have more seats than out of state. In some cases, schools have contracts with other states to offer them seats. As a result of this some schools (Davis for example) are impossible to get into unless you meet the residency requirements. You need to find out (and you have plenty of time) if there is a vet school in your state and if not is there one that your state has a contract with. If neither is true, then look at those schools that accept a fairly high number of out of state students. Bottom line here is that all vet schools are excellent programs and you will have no better job prospects by going to UC Davis than by going to Kansas State.
5 :
Cornell. Ivy league vet school.

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