Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Should kids be allowed to wear USA flags and speak english in schools on Cinqo de Mayo

Should kids be allowed to wear USA flags and speak english in schools on Cinqo de Mayo?
...or should everybody down down and kiss the backsides of Mexicans in USA schools, illegal immigrants or legal? Who goes to school on the 4th of July? If you go to school in the USA you should be allowed to speak english every day and wear the USA flag anytime you want. Mexicans want the USA to learn how to speak Spanish and now demand people stop wearing the USA flag. What a bunch of nuts! Mexicans want open borders and want the USA to adopt Spanish as their primary language. It really is that simple.
Other - Education - 7 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Not while they are shouting "Mexico sucks!". You are ignoring that part of the story - they were insulting other students. What they were wearing was a coincidence. Or do you support students behaving like jerks as long as they are wearing red, white and blue?
2 :
then should every one were mexican flags and speak spanish on july 4th
3 :
The school overstepped its bounds. If you want to argue it you can say on March 17 you can only wear Irish items no American. Through the entire month of February you can only wear black culture items nothing american as february is black history month. This was just a bunch of America hating people mking a living in the United States because they did not have the opportunity to make it in their third world home.
4 :
hmm interesting. i just had a debate about that in spanish class because something like that happened cept not the english part. i think that it should be allowed because its not like their wearing french flags as the french was the one that attacked, not the us. Mexico apparently doesnt celebrate Cinco De Mayo. And its something the U.S. made up. And well. i dont think those kids should have to flip their shirts inside out or leave. But i heard they were looking for a fight...
5 :
to bad the people don't read they hear it some where the kids sent home did nothing wrong according to 4 different news stories but so many want to blame the kids with a US flag in the US the school was afraid the hispanics mite be offended
6 :
I think people who choose to call themselves things like "Flashy D" should be deported.
7 :