Friday, December 16, 2011

When you are a foriegn exchange student in Japan, how does it affect you high school classes in the USA

When you are a foriegn exchange student in Japan, how does it affect you high school classes in the USA?
I want to go to Japan to be an exchange student but I don't know how it will affect my schooling in America. I mean with all the required classes and all. Help!
Japan - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
i know this may not be of help.. i'm in the same situation so you're not alone(: It's best to talk to your counselors about your credits and if there is any way that what you do there pertains to here (USA). ask if there will be a problem with your credits. all i know is that it looks great on a college application. you're probably on a better track then me already! my counselors didn't know a darn thing.. now i'm going to my school district office in a few weeks for information! hehe :D credits are very important and that is a great question to ask your school. your school may run things differently when it comes to that and exchange programs. Goodluck! and i hope you-as well as me!- get the information needed to reach Japan kaity
2 :
It's best to have all/most of your required classes for graduation finished BEFORE you go to Japan. I watched a few video blogs of people studying at Japanese high school on exchange and they said almost everyone flunks out and that the programs/schools expect this. But the point of the exchange is learning the language and culture of Japan- not so much getting credits for back home. Another thing you can do is go on your "gap year" many programs offer the chance for people who graduated high school to go on high school exchange in the year before they begin University [Age 18-19 only]. Try these organizations. and
3 :
You know high school life on Japan is extremely stressful and much more difficult than it is in the USA right? I suggest doing a year exchange once you're in college. Much more easy going and there is still plenty of Japanese school social life to be had (clubs, circles, etc). That said you'll have to check with your high school in the USA to see if they will accept a transcript of some kind from a Japanese school. If you don't do your entire high school career in one or the other country, it might be hard to get certain classes fulfilled in the normal 4 year time period (such as English and History related subjects).
4 :
some high schools will allow you to take a test for the language you learn and give you foreign language credit. However, most exchange students either go on exchange after they graduate, take summer classes to get ahead before they go, or make up the year they missed when they get back. When I went on exchange, my high school awarded me 4 credits in German and that was enough to keep me on track. Contact your guidance counselor, they will be able to advise you of your options.

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