Sunday, January 16, 2011

I'm from Ireland, can i get into med school in the USA

I'm from Ireland, can i get into med school in the USA?
Hi, I'm from Ireland and I moved to the US 2 1/2 years ago and I'm working at an investment company. I recently discovered that I want to be a doctor. My gilfriend is in the US and I don't want to leave her to go back to ireland for school, so can I get into a medical school in the US if I'm from Ireland? Thanks
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Yes you can. In the US, however, unlike many other countries, you cannot study medicine until you have completed a bachelor's if you do not have your first degree yet, you need to complete it (and well!) and then apply to medical schools in the US. Medical school admissions are very competitive so you need to have VERY good marks from your undergraduate coursework and good scores on the MCAT (the admissions exam for medical schools)
2 :
Do you hold a bachelors degree? Have you completed the US med school pre-req classes? Many US med schools want you to have completed those classes in the US, and you can do that via a local university. In fact, if you're willing to go to uni full time for a year or so, you could enrol in a formal post-bac program, like the one at Columbia: These programs are designed for people who have bachelors degrees and want med school, but don't have the pre-req classes. If you don't hold a bachelors degree, you need to do that first. Med school in the US is a post-grad program only. But most med schools will admit you. There are a few that will not, because you are not from the US, but the vast majority will. US med school admissions is extremely competitive. Your grades/marks from your bachelors degree need to be very strong, and you'll need to take the MCAT and do well on it.