Sunday, October 24, 2010

MAJORLY IMPORTANT: how can I go to school in USA? 10 points

MAJORLY IMPORTANT: how can I go to school in USA? 10 points!!!?
Hi guys, I'm a 16 yr old girl from England, basically I hate living in this country and I've wanted to move to America to live with my cousins out there (in PA). At school I'm in Year 12 (thats 11th grade) and I'm taking my A-Level exams but I've heard they don't exactly mean much in USA so I need to take the SATs exam to get into an American college/university. For A-Levels I'm only doing 4 subjects (Psychology, Biology, Classical Civilization, and English Literature). I used to take 12 last year for my GCSEs but I can't remember much about Physics, Chemistry or French etc. so I'm worried that I'll be expected to know these for the SATs. Is there anyone who knows a thing or two about the exam and what subjects exactly we are tested on? Thanks in advance! :) <3
Standards & Testing - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
So naïve...
2 :
look up sat's online they give u practice test .
3 :
well theres a big math part too. all you have to do is come live with me and we can get married so you can be a us citizen. ;)
4 :
To study in US college after high school, normally you need to take the SAT I and 0 to 3 SAT IIs depends on the college or university you are interested in. While A-level courses may enhance your college application, they are not required for college admission. You may go to the admission website of any US university to get the sense of the requirement such as SAT scores, GPAs, recommendation letters, or any college application essay. For a general understanding of SAT content, format, and score distribution, you may go to website of and check the "SAT introduction" online video course. While most of the top US universities require SAT score for college admission, some universities (most of them are community colleges) do not require SAT. The best approach is to contact the university you want to get in and ask for more information about the admission requirements.